Course Details


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

Anjuly Rudolph
Studio Yoganjuly
Buschdorfer Straße 9
53117 Bonn


Telefon: +49 162/405 69 31


Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

Anjuly Rudolph
Buschdorfer Straße 9
53117 Bonn


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These terms and conditions apply to all offers of YOGANJULY as well as all agreements between YOGANJULY and the participants. These terms and conditions are published online on the website for general inspection. Thus, they are part of all oral and written agreements.

All registration orders are subject to acceptance by YOGANJULY. YOGANJULY will not be bound by any terms or conditions of Customer\’s registration order that are inconsistent.

Fees for courses shall be in accordance with the prices listed in the Courses Fees Page on the Website and in effect on the date of order registration of the course. YOGANJULY reserves the right to adjust such fees at any time without notice.

Once your Registration is approved, your place in any YOGANJULY course or Retreat will be secured once the fee is paid in full. Please note the course fee contains a non-refundable application /administrative fee of 750€.

To support your studies, we offer the possibility to pay in instalments. For more details contact us at


·       Please be absolutely sure that you can make the dates and wish to do the full course before confirming your booking. Students who cancel course registration before the start date of the Training Course may notify YOGANJULY by email. Any refund will be based on the date of the written cancellation request received by YOGANJULY (see Refund Policy below). All deposits are Non-Refundable under any circumstances, all Administration Fees are Non-Refundable under any circumstances.


·       YOGANJULY accepts no responsibility for cancellation, delays, changes or losses caused by acts of God, war, and threat of war, closure of airports, civil strife, natural disasters, accidents or any other events beyond our control. This includes injuries, illnesses, medical or psychiatric conditions of trainees developed during or subsequent to the course as well as loss of, or damage to, personal property during the training.

·       In the unlikely event that a YOGANJULY training, workshop or retreat is canceled by YOGANJULY, 100% of the payment will be refunded, or an alternative retreat or training placement will be offered according to the circumstances. Where an enrollment is canceled by a trainee for any reason, the deposit and/or administrative fees are not refundable. Transfer of deposit to another training, for exceptional reasons, will be at the discretion of YOGANJULY management (see Refund Policy below).


·       If a trainee or student drops out after the course, workshop or retreat has begun, there will not be a refund. (see Refund Policy below).


·       YOGANJULY accepts no responsibility for flight costs in the event of cancellation of training, workshops or retreats. The organization is not liable for any flight cancellation, rescheduling, delays or other travel expenses.


·       Trainees retain control and direction over all their physical activities and voluntarily assume full liability and accept the risk of harm, including physical injury and discomfort as a result of their participation in activities during the program.


·       YOGANJULY accepts no liability for any injury or illnesses that occur to trainees during the training, workshops, retreats or classes.


Personal Liability

Although great care is taken, the customer is entirely and solely responsible for their own safety, health and general well-being. Please advise YOGANJULY team at the time of enrolment and acceptance into the course of any known injuries, ailments, disabilities, medication you are taking or anything else that may affect your ability to fully participate in the course. However, you are responsible for taking preventative measures/action – i.e. be sensible – if it hurts, causes any pain or strain – do not do it. The customer is entirely and solely responsible for their own belongings/valuables.
It is the responsibility of the customer to inform YOGANJULY of any change of address, contact phone number or email address, both before and after receipt of the training, products or goods (i.e course correspondence components). Please note that our preferred method of contact for customers is by email, so care should be taken to provide a current, valid email address.


Agreement of Release and Waiver of Liability

1.     That I am participating in the Coaching Program, Yoga Retreat/Teacher Training/Workshop offered by YOGANJULY, during which I will receive information and instruction about yoga and health. I recognize that yoga requires physical exertion that may be strenuous and may cause physical injury, and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved.

2.     I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical conditions that would prevent my full participation in the Coaching Program /Yoga Retreat /Teacher Training /Workshop.

3.     In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Coaching Program /Yoga Retreat /Teacher Training /Workshop, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the retreat, including any and all activities done with the Coaching Program /Yoga Retreat /Teacher Training /Workshop group, or as an individual.

4.     In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the Coaching Program /Yoga Retreat /Teacher Training /Workshop, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against YOGANJULY for injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in the event.


I take full responsibility of my behavior and my acts.

I, my heirs and legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue YOGANJULY and its staff for any injury or mishap caused by any my fortuitous events.


Cancellation Policy

YOGANJULY reserves all the rights to suspend the participation any time without any previous warning and without any reason. I understand that the registration fee is non-refundable.

Refund policy

·       The application/administrative fee for TTC of €750.-(*) is non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances. If an enrollment is canceled by a trainee for any reason, the deposit is non- refundable. Transfer of deposit to another training, for exceptional reasons, will be at the discretion of YOGANJULY management. (*) Application Fee may vary for Retreats and other events.

·       Cancellation 31 or more days before start date of Coaching Program /Yoga Retreat /Teacher Training /Workshop: the course fee, excluding the application and administration fee, will be returned.

·       Cancellation 6 – 30 days before start date of workshop, training or retreat: 80% of the course fee, minus application and administration fee, will be returned.

·       Cancellation 0 – 5 days before start date (or during the event) of Coaching Program /Yoga Retreat /Teacher Training /Workshop: no refund. If the student wishes to transfer to a future Coaching Program /Yoga Retreat /Teacher Training /Workshop (within one year from the original event), 50% of the cost may be applied with the approval of the YOGANJULY CEO.

·       Agreed Course Fee has to be completely paid by the starting day of the event.

·       The final confirmation of the Course is 31 days ahead of the starting date. Any Course/Retreat/Workshop is subject to a minimum of 10 participants to take place. YOGANJULY is not liable to anyone in the unlikely event the course is postponed or cancelled. If you are making any travel arrangements prior to this confirmation, we would advise you to subscribe to a cancellation insurance as YOGANJULY will not be responsible to any costs incurred for the cancellation of your travel.

Usage of Photos & Videos

  • Pictures taken during Coaching Program /Yoga Retreat /Teacher Training /Workshop may be used in a promotional capacity such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Flicker, You Tube, the organization website etc. By agreeing to these terms and conditions trainees give full permission for this information to be released.
  • YOGANJULY retains no liability for use of pictures or videos taken by trainees of the training, the teachers or other trainees.
  • Photos and videos taken by trainees during training are deemed to be for learning and personal use only. Sharing this information with third parties or for financial gain without full permission of YOGANJULY is strictly prohibited.


Use of Materials

  • Materials that are part of any training, workshop or retreat including but not limited to the Training manual, the general layout of the YOGANJULY Website, Logos, Designs, Trademarks and web pages content are the property of YOGANJULY. Using this information with third parties or for financial gain without full permission of YOGANJULY is strictly prohibited.

Policy Modification
It may be necessary for us to review and revise these Terms and Conditions. YOGANJULY reserves the right to review and change these terms and conditions at any time. If revised, changes will be posted on the website.

Program Modification

  • YOGANJULY reserves the right to alter the program or curriculum and to select staff from a pool of qualified teachers depending upon availability per training.

  • Upon submitting the application and clicking the button “Submit” to any of YOGANJULY Programs you fully and voluntarily agree to said Terms and Conditions, the Waiver of Liability and fully understand its contents and acknowledge that you have both read and fully comprehend the nature and consequences of agreement to these Terms and Conditions. If you have not read, understood or do not agree to these terms and conditions do not proceed with your application by clicking on the agreement button.

 Quelle: eRecht24